SKEMA Business School
INR / ISIT Member France
600 contributors
LILLE, France
SKEMA Business School est un établissement d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche privé sous statut d’association Loi 1901 sans but lucratif. SKEMA est née en 2009 de la fusion entre l'Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Lille et le CERAM Business School de Sophia Antipolis. Ces deux écoles fondatrices ont respectivement été créées en 1892 pour l’une et 1963 pour l’autre.SKEMA est une institution d’enseignement et de recherche globale qui forme des talents engagés pour transformer le monde durablement. L’hybridation entre les sciences humaines et sociales et celles de la donnée est le cœur de son modèle et l’exposition globale en est le mode opératoire. Dotés d’une employabilité reconnue et de compétences profondes qui vont au delà des disciplines managériales classiques, ces talents sont ainsi capables d’appréhender et de répondre aux nouveaux enjeux mondiaux.
Planned commitments and actions
- Raise awareness on Sustainable IT (e.g. information workshop, MOOC, dissemination of good practice guides)
- Certify your employees
- Training in Sustainable IT (e.g. attending a training course lasting several days)
- Communicate to its stakeholders on the actions taken
- Deployment of a security plan for its digital environments (antivirus, VPN, supplier audits, permanent monitoring)
- Evaluate the robustness of its infrastructures (regular tests) and prioritise European infrastructures
- Manage my fleet with an inventory by category
- Engage with actors in the reuse sector and/or the social and solidarity economy in the management of the end-of-life of my equipment
- Integrate environmental requirements in my calls for tender and establish a dialogue and measurement elements over the duration of the service with my suppliers
- Ensuring that its suppliers and service providers comply with their GDPR requirements or follow the principles of the GDPR in compliance with locally applicable data protection rules for other countries, environmental, social and diversity
- Encourage diversity among my service providers, particularly in relation to disability issues
- Use start-ups, associations and sustainable innovation projects to meet my needs for products and services, and participate in the structuring and improvement of these sustainable offers and services
- Measure the energy consumption and impact of my Information System (multi-criteria analysis)
- Avoid unnecessary energy consumption e.g. by switching off at night, weekends and holidays
- Favouring low-impact energy sources
- Measure the impact of its digital services (e.g. frequency of use or energy consumption) using a multi-criteria and global approach to the entire service (equipment, servers, networks, etc.)
- Ensure the development of useful and efficient digital services
- Make its digital services accessible to as many people as possible (even in the event of poor connection quality, disability, etc.)
- Facilitate the proper semantic understanding of its digital services in a clear and educational language
- Ensure diversity in the recruitment of IS teams (initial and continuing training, diversity of training, origins, disability status)
- Encourage gender diversity in the digital field at all levels
- Making anonymised data available to enable the development of innovative services that can benefit users and citizens
- Favour the use of local and European tools in order to encourage the consolidation of players who respect the sovereignty of European data
- Participate in or encourage the co-construction/experimentation of Tech4Good
Actions started
- Organise a Digital Cleanup Day
- Establish a Sustainable IT Working Group within the organisation
- Implementing data governance of your organisation and GDPR compliance or by following the principles of the GDPR in compliance with locally applicable data protection rules locally applicable data protection rules for other countries
- Manage my fleet with an inventory by category
- Measure the lifespan of my equipment by type
- Favour the purchase of sustainable equipment (reparability and durability criteria)
- Integrate environmental requirements in my calls for tender and establish a dialogue and measurement elements over the duration of the service with my suppliers
- Ensuring that its suppliers and service providers comply with their GDPR requirements or follow the principles of the GDPR in compliance with locally applicable data protection rules for other countries, environmental, social and diversity
- Encourage diversity among my service providers, particularly in relation to disability issues
- Plan the archiving and cleaning of data with its teams to reduce their environmental footprint
- Promote work-life balance by, for example, respecting the right to disconnect and arranging for teleworking measures
- Favour the use of local and European tools in order to encourage the consolidation of players who respect the sovereignty of European data
- Encouraging territorial innovations by testing and deploying social and environmental digital products and services